ISO 37000 The governing body

ISO37000 sets out how the governing body should be created to address the concepts of the Standard. Key to appointments should be the following: Competence and experience Independence Ability to drive the organisation’s desired strategy to achieve short- and long-term...

ISO 37000 Integrated governance

For governance to be promoted effectively throughout an organisation the following functions should be supported: Stakeholder groups The leadership team Managers Supervisors Other functional team leaders  The leadership team should establish and maintain an integrated...

ISO 37000 Governance of organisations

In any well-run organisation the stakeholders, those with an interest in the organisation’s well-being expect the entity to be well governed. To be a well-run organisation, there needs to be adoption of good governance frameworks that cover all jurisdictions. Hence...

ISO 37000 Governance delegation

This aspect of ISO 37000 recommends that that when activities are delegated the senior leadership team must be clear about responsibility. Where governance delegation is undertaken the leadership body should delegate responsibility to ensure trust and clarity in such...

ISO 37000 Governance & sustainability

ISO37000 establishes the mantra that good governance allows an organisation to create the conditions that fulfil the governing body’s mission and purpose over time including value generation. ISO37000 sets out that an enterprise may be contributing to sustainable...